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Fan-art 2014 Winner
Fan-art 2014 Winner
Mensajes : 1143
Ubicación : Mexico,Puebla
Edad : 35

Lindsay Hartley talks with TV Guide Magazine Empty Lindsay Hartley talks with TV Guide Magazine

Miér Nov 03, 2010 5:26 pm
Lindsay Hartley

TV Guide Magazine: Isn't Mad Harriet supposed to be an Amazon?
Hartley: She is! Not someone short and scrawny like me. There's not a lot of muscle to me. [Laughs] I'm not the superpower type at all. Harriet is supposed to be the leader of all these girls who kick ass — the other actresses were like acrobats in real life with these gorgeous muscular legs and I'm the leader? Any of them could kick my ass in half a second. [Laughs] I couldn't justify any of it, but I loved it! The special effects department modeled my claws after Freddy Krueger's. This is also the episode where Teri Hatcher plays Lois Lane's mom. It's very much a roots episode, all about where Lois and Tess came from. It's very cool and very eerie.

TV Guide Magazine: So did you whine and whine until Justin got you a job on his show?
Hartley: Oh my God, of course! I have always been a fan of Smallville and wanted to be on it since the show is ending this season. I don't know that I could have done this if Days hadn't let me go. I've been talking to the producers about doing something for the last couple of seasons. I'm always on the set visiting Justin.

Here is the rest of her interview, mostly soup opera stuff [Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]

Fuente DTS
Mayte Lane
Mayte Lane
Maggie Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Mensajes : 398
Ubicación : sacando cuentas con mcpato!! xD
Edad : 32

Lindsay Hartley talks with TV Guide Magazine Empty Re: Lindsay Hartley talks with TV Guide Magazine

Miér Nov 03, 2010 8:08 pm
OMF SHELBY!! gracias por la info que interesanteeee y q lindo banner^^
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