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 Entrevistas - Erica & Allison en IGN (Spoilers) Empty Entrevistas - Erica & Allison en IGN (Spoilers)

Vie Oct 01, 2010 5:35 pm
Smallville: Erica Durance on Lois and Clark's Destiny
We talk to the Smallville star about this week's episode and Lois Lane's future.
September 30, 2010
by Eric Goldman

When Erica Durance first joined Smallville as Lois Lane, Clark Kent still only had eyes for Lana Lang. But a few years later, things have changed in a big way. Not only have Lois and Clark become a couple, but Lois is now aware of Clark's abilities and his role as The Blur – even though she's keeping that to herself for the time being.

At last weekend's party celebrating Smallville reaching its milestone 200th episode (airing next month), I spoke to Durance about Lois' role in the final season of the series, along with what to expect in this week's episode, in the wake of Lois having left for an assignment in Africa.

IGN TV: After years of Clark keeping a big secret from Lois, is it interesting to be able to play out a scenario where she now has this knowledge, but is keeping it a secret herself?

Erica Durance: Yes. It's a power shift and it gives me the chance to show the kind of love she has for Clark, which is, "I accept you where you're at. I accept you, even though you are keeping a secret from me, because I know that you have a reason and it's difficult for you." And that's pretty huge.

And she has some fun with it too! She gets to jab him a little bit and there's some great situations the writers have created.

IGN: Right. Like the bit with the pen in the premiere.

Durance: She was having some fun! Yeah, that was a really great scene.

IGN: Last we saw though, she was off in Africa. Can you talk about this coming week's episode, "Shield", and where we pick up?

Durance: She goes off to Africa, because she's not quite sure where she fits in with Clark and whether she'll be a hindrance or a help to him. And we have a guest star, Michael Shanks [as Hawkman], that was on last year who's coming back and has a huge fan base. He gives her some very helpful advice. She gets into a little bit of trouble.

IGN: Lois and Carter seems like a fun pairing. I don't recall you guys sharing much, if any, screen time last season.

Durance: That's who I have all my scenes with in this episode, so I had a great, great time.

IGN: Once Lois gets back, what's the dynamic like between Lois and Clark?

Durance: They've done a great job this year of finding a happy medium between the seriousness of where they're going in their relationship and then also branching off - going undercover and being a journalist and him getting tips for his side of things and having fun still. I really believe the writers have done a good job of just keeping it still moving, so it doesn't get stagnant.

IGN: I know I'm curious as to whether they'll be some sort of mind wipe or other curve ball, or whether the series will indeed end with Lois still knowing Clark's identity, as he takes on the Superman identity. Would you like to see her fully in the know at the end?

Durance: Absolutely. I've worked hard for that moment! [Laughs] It's been seven years!

IGN: As Clark heads towards his destiny, even while she hasn't told Clark she knows his secret, do you think Lois might be able to help him along his path?

Durance: I think it would be really great for her to be able to have that. I think that is what the writers are trying to create, is their partnership. He has all these great abilities and those kind of things, but she's kind of the human version of him. She would do anything for truth, justice and the American way. She just has her human limitations. I think that you'll see this really wonderful partnership.

IGN: I loved seeing Lois and Perry White work together last season. Have you heard anything about Michael McKean coming back again before the series ends?

Durance: I've talked to Perry on the phone! That's as close as I've come to Michael. But if he comes back, I would love that.

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Smallville: Allison Mack Looks Towards Chloe's Future

In the wake of the season premiere, we talk to the Smallville mainstay about wrapping up the series and her character.
September 28, 2010
by Eric Goldman

So where exactly is Chloe Sullivan? Giving herself up at the end of the season premiere of Smallville last week, in exchange for Oliver's freedom, Chloe has been taken away to parts unknown. And in the meantime, Allison Mack, who plays Chloe, has also left Smallville as a series regular. But don't worry, she's coming back…

When I spoke to Mack at a party honoring Smallville's soon-to-air 200th episode this past weekend, she assured me, "You'll see me towards the middle of the season, making a nice little appearance. I'll be back and wrapping some things up."

Chloe is the only Smallville character to have appeared in every single season of the series except for Clark Kent himself. When I asked Mack if she was happy she was getting to be a part of the 10th and final season, she replied, "Definitely. It's interesting. I feel like I owe it to the fans. And I owe it to my character. I feel very honored to have played her for the ten years that I've played her, so I want to give her a proper ending."

Last season, Chloe and Oliver (Justin Hartley) began a relationship that has become very popular with fans. When I asked Mack what she thought might be in store for those two down the line, she laughed, having turned to say hello to Hartley's wife, Lindsay, just a moment before. "It's weird that we're talking about this while I'm standing next to Justin's wife!" As for Chloe and Oliver and what's to come, she remarked, "I don't know – I have no idea. I know that we left it sort of unfinished, our relationship, so I'm sure that we'll have some scenes where we're wrapping things up and kind of deciding where we're going and what we're doing, but I don't know what that's going to look like and I don't know where we're going to go with that. I don't know where he's going to be! He's a bit of a playboy, you know, so he might have a whole new fling by the time I make my way back. We never know!"

Hartley though seemed pretty confident that Green Arrow wouldn't be looking for new female companionship anytime soon, telling me at the same event, that when it comes to Oliver's next step, "I think he's going to find Chloe! He's going to do whatever he can to find her. He does it very intensely and he's not one to mince words either. He says, 'This is what I'm going to do, I'm going to find her,' and he's going to figure out every means necessary to get her – and he's got a lot of means!"

While Mack had said she felt that her return in the middle of the season would help wrap up some plotlines, fans no doubt hope she will also be present at the very end of the series next spring. When I asked her if that was a possibility, she replied, "We're still working it out. I don't know yet."

I posed the same question to executive producer Kelly Souders, who told me that when it came to having Chloe in the series finale, her answer was, "Hopefully," adding, "It's really about the scheduling with Allison and the show. Allison has been so wonderful. She has really wanted to come back and make sure that her character was tied up in a wonderful storyline. We love Allison. She's such a great actress and she's just created a character that is now actually in the DC world, which is just phenomenal. That's quite a statement about her. We'd like to see her as much as we can!"

As for what it was like for Mack to see Chloe finally be introduced in the DC Comics Universe, via Action Comics, she told me, "It's incredible! It's bizarre to pick up a comic book and see me! It's very cool. It's sort of surreal. It's hard to kind of wrap your head around. But it's very cool. I'm sure that when I'm 60, I'll look back on it and go, 'Right on!'"

Chloe dying. Chloe continuing on as Watchtower. Chloe leaving for parts unknown. Fans have speculated about many different outcomes for the character as Smallville comes to an end, who is so notable because she has been given such an integral role in Clark Kent's life in this series, despite having not originally been from the comic books. As we were wrapping up our conversation, I asked Mack if she had a specific conclusion to Chloe's story she'd most like to see and she paused and smiled, before saying, "I think you should watch! Because I think I'm going to get what I want, and I would hate to give it away."

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