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Mensajes : 7766
Ubicación : Katherine Pierce`s Bed [Making Hot Love]!!!

Entrevista a Erica Durance Empty Entrevista a Erica Durance

Sáb Abr 30, 2011 1:16 am
LOS ANGELES – Cuando la temporada final de “Smallville” comenzo, Erica Durance se puso mas que un poco nostalgica. “Yo nunca quiero que una cosa Buena se termine,” la actriz que interpreta a Lois Lane dice. ‘Pero cada capítulo se tiene que cerrar’.

En la temporada final, Lois y Clark estan mas cerca que nunca; el esta asumiendo su lugar como Superman.Y el episodio final? Tiene que ser bueno, dice Durance. ‘La gente ha visto el show por 10 años. Ellos han vivido la jornada.

Cuando la serie comenzo, ningun personaje parecia estar encabezado hacia lo inevitable.De hecho, Durance nunca pensó a cerca del escenario de ‘clark y lois’.’Yo casi a propósito no me permitia a mi misma pensar, ‘Esta es la que ella es en la final’ Yo quería sentirme libre de ver hacia donde ellos podrían ir. Yo no quería poner presión en la relación.

Aun asi, ella sabia el peso de personificar un héroe icónico del comic. En la primera temporada del drama, Durance fue a una convención de comic y una mujer puso sus manos cerca de los ojos de la actriz. ‘Tu tendras exito en este terreno, chica’ la mujer le dijo. ‘Yo mire y era Margot Kidder. Yo solo me congele por un momento’

La lista de mujeres que han interpretado al personaje –incluida Kidder, Durance dice, es de grandes proporciones. ‘Pero yo he tenido tanta alegría de personificarla. No quería dejarla. Yo lo consideraria un honor si la gente siguiera refiriendose a mi como Lois despues de 20 años.

A contrario de sus predecesoras, Durance tuvo la oportunidad de mostrar el lado fuerte del personaje. Ademas de ser una excelente reportera, ella tuvo que lidiar con varios villanos y mantener a Clark Kent en línea.

‘Me gusta interpretar a Lois porque ella es defectuosa…ella es un poco de todo y a lo mejor a veces hace las cosas mal pero ella se da la vuelta, enmienda lo que hizo y sigue adelante’

Cuando Smallville mostro a la Lois del futuro, ‘Yo tuve un hormigueo’’ dice Durance.’Fue muy gracioso. Me pude dar cuenta de hacia a donde va esta metamorfosis’

Su co-estrella Tom Welling, dice ella, ha sido una Buena compañia en la jornada. ‘Tu sabes, cuando tu conoces gente e inmediatamente tienen las mismas metas y perspectivas? Asi nos sentíamos. Los dos queríamos hacer un excelente producto…como el buen vino, la relacion ha ido cambiando’.

Aunque Durance tiene su ojo en la plaqueta de Lois del Daily Planet, ella no se tomo el trabajo ligeramente.’Yo he puesto la serie en un album. Las cosas que parecen tener secuencia-como mi ticket del primer vuelo a Los Angeles- están ahí. Asi que cuando quiera recordar que paso, yo solo ire al album’.

Y Lois? La personificación de Durance siempre fue inspirada por alguien cercano.’Yo siempre me preguntaba a mi misma, ‘Que haría mi mama?’ Eso usualmente significaba algo que se sentía muy honesto y bueno.

“A media que creces, tu empiezas a recordar lo que haz hecho. ‘Que es lo que puedo resaltar del universo que sea bueno e inspirador?’ Al final del dia, Smallville te envía un mensaje.’

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Mensajes : 7766
Ubicación : Katherine Pierce`s Bed [Making Hot Love]!!!

Entrevista a Erica Durance Empty Re: Entrevista a Erica Durance

Sáb Mayo 07, 2011 10:14 am
Aqui otra entrevista:

- Erica Durance - Season 10 - Interview Transcript #02

You are bride to be.

Well she starts to get - Lois starts to get pretty stressed out in it 'cause she's not really a, you know, it's not her idea to plan weddings and all that kind of stuff so you see these, you know, throughout the year in the last little bit you're starting to see episodes where she's losing it a little bit.

Is that more like you?

I'm not really big into the, into the whole drama. When I was married all I cared about was having a nice dress and that's really kind of what, what the main focus was and we had a really small wedding and we had family there and that was it.

What should her dress look like?

I have strongly asked them to avoid bows of all kinds, lots of sequence, anything really puffy. I think it'll just be hopefully very simple and sleek and hopefully that sort of thing.

Do you have a preference?

The only problem that I have as an actress with strapless and this s something that I only discovered after watching some of the editing process is that when they move into close-ups and you're in a strapless you look naked so that's very distracting. And anything you're trying to be acting was I think all of a sudden looks very comedic so I've kind of suggested maybe not the strapless but take away from the bows a bit.

Will we see a wedding?

They haven't told me exactly what's happening. I'm hoping that if there is a wedding that Lois and Clark get married in a church and not the bar or in the Kent farmhouse or wherever set we're using at the time. So they haven't specified but what I would like is if they have the wedding and that sort of thing and Lois gets to maybe see some new faces, some old faces. I've heard that they're bringing back some of the old favorites and so we'll be seeing some bad guys come back and then some of the family and that sort of thing.

A reunion?

I think so and it'll be nice for us to tie it up.

What makes them an iconic couple?

I've been asked that question a lot and that whole mythology in itself is, you know, timeless and you're having generation after generation love it. I think it's because maybe it touches a real string with people with this sense of these two individuals at least in the incarnation we've done is like very separate, very different people who figure out how to function together and support each other together and be as real as possible.

And the thing that I've noticed that they've at least written in the storyline for me in the last maybe season, season and a half is that it's showcasing that Lois has the same ideals that Clark has and the truth, justice and American way and all that she's able to accomplish some of the similar things he does except he's going about it with the super powers. And she's just this human girl with problems and she goes about it and does her things and accomplishes the same tasks so I think they have a lot of similar values.

What is Lois' role in Clark becoming Superman?

Well this, this year that's basically been kind of introducing how Lois becomes a part of that and they're basically showcasing that she's helping to develop his dual identities. She's been the one that's been kind of saying to him look if you want to come out, if you want to continue being this hero you have to find a way to have an alternate identity. And so there's an episode that's coming out very soon where she kind of messes a little bit with his outfit which is kind of like getting into his man stuff.

She's like hey, that's my thing but she's trying to create another, another identity for him and just kind of helps him along that way. And then is helping him to finesse what is the Clark Kent and kind of being this shy, very clumsy person and just that whole part of it, so. That's been actually really fun. We had a lot of fun with that.

What's it like to be coming to the end?

I'm a save every moment kind of a gal. I figure I'm gonna experience it 200 percent and then experience the loss when it's done and that's part of - for me that's the way I feel I'm gonna live. So, you know, it's had its ups and downs. It's been a little bit of a train wreck sometimes. I think there's so much that there's still to do that we're focusing on that hopefully we'll be able to put those emotions aside so that we can actually finish the show properly and I won't be bawling through some scene that's supposed to be comedic because it's the last scene or something.

Do you get nostalgic?

Well I have to say, you know, there are some things I get very nostalgic about. Uh, you know, I'll be walking around and there's a whole set that's completely gone that was Chloe's set or something like that and I'll kind of have that moment. But you just try to savor it and you enjoy it and it is. You know, it's time to move on to a new chapter and everybody's, everybody's ready for that but it's bittersweet.

What's the new chapter for you?

I don't know. It's a dot, dot, dot. I haven't figured it out yet. I think I'll be open to anything that's out there and continue looking for something that I find inspiring and fun.

Are you gonna take anything with you from the set to keep?

You know, I have a wish list but to cop to taking something I might get in trouble. But there's some little things like maybe my nameplate. Finding maybe one of my costumes? See if I can get away with one of those.

Is it your own wish list?

It's my own and if I really wanted something I think you'd actually have to talk to somebody in Warner Brothers and go can I have this especially if it's something really specific like a blue suit with an S on it.

How do you feel about the movie coming out?

It's just like it's another project that's out. You know, you're living in your incarnation of it with your little group of people and if something else comes out that's theirs. It's just like apples and oranges and I'm gonna go see it. I think it'll be interesting. I'm a big fan of any comics and mythology so I'll be out there watching it. So there's no competition as far as that's concerned.

What's your favorite movie?

Well I fell in love with Colin Firth from watching Pride and Prejudice and just kind of have been watching anything, you know, anything that he does. Absolutely, you know, Jeffrey Rush and, you know, everybody, everybody in it was so good. It was just nice to get back to - I love all the fantastical shows that are out there. I love the comics. I love all that but it's nice to get back to like just the basic story about human trial and that sort of thing and so I liked it.

Fuente.- :ms:
Rick Grimes
Rick Grimes
Mensajes : 2828
Ubicación : Raccoon City
Edad : 33

Entrevista a Erica Durance Empty Re: Entrevista a Erica Durance

Sáb Mayo 07, 2011 4:34 pm
Lo que dijo al final de la primera entrevista es muy cierto, pero no solo sv, muchas series te transimiten un mensaje en cada episodio, eso es lo que las hace grandes series.
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